Sclerotherapy is a treatment for varicose and spider veins, it involves administration of the solution (usually a salt solution) in to the light of incompetent vein. The irritant (solution) causes the inflammation of the vessel’s wall, vessel fibrosis and vein close off. Patients with varicose veins and spider veins can undergo sclerotherapy and patients with saphenous vein trunks undergo so called “ foam sclerotheraphy”. The treatment lasts about 30 minutes and involves a few injections with a fine needle. It does not require anesthesia, does not result in the inability to work and it is performed on an outpatient basis. It is necessary to make a few, or even several sclerotherapy sessions with seven days to several weeks breaks, depending on the severity of the disease. Crucial for the treatment is to determine individual treatment plan for the patient. Therefore, to achieve the best treatment results, sclerotherapy requires close patient- doctor cooperation. Moreover, sclerotherapy is said to be the most effective method for the removal of spider veins and mesh leg around the thigh and lower leg.
After treatment, it is advisable to wear compression stockings or bandages during day and night for seven days. The patient should also walk for 20-30 minutes and every day. In case of large vein’s sclerotherapy the use of compression is extended from 6 to 8 weeks. Some petty swellings and red skin can appear in the body parts after injections. They usually disappear after a few hours. Skin discoloration disappears with time. Tangible swellings are absorbed within 1-6 months.
As each method sclerotherapy is fraught with complications. The most serious, but extremely rare are: allergic shock, tissue necrosis, deep vein thrombosis.
Less frequent and less severe complications include: allergic reaction (hives), hematoma at the injection site and skin discoloration.
There are some contraindications such as: bedridden patients, advanced ischemic changes in the arteries of the lower limbs, severe obesity, significant swelling of the lower limbs, skin infectious diseases, diabetes, allergy, fresh venous thrombosis,
the first and the last trimester of pregnancy and asthma.
To prevent the formation of venous distension on the large area of the body, it is recommended to undergo this treatment every 2-3 years (with time the treatment is shorter).